
China's leading power system solutions service provider
Electric transmission line

Power transformer is used to electric energy generated by the generator voltage, the circuit breaker control device is connected with the transmission line to achieve. According to the structure of the form, the transmission line is divided into overhead transmission lines and cable lines. Routing overhead line tower transmission lines, conductors, insulators, wire, gold line, tower foundation, grounding device which set up above the ground. According to the nature of the current transmission, transmission is divided into AC and DC transmission.19 century 80s first succeeded in HVDC. Due to the voltage DC transmission technology of the time under the condition that is difficult to continue to improve the transmission capacity and efficiency limit of.19 at the end of the century, gradually for DC transmission instead of AC AC transmission. The success of twentieth Century ushered in a new era of electrification of the society.

Technical support:科訊網(wǎng)絡(luò) All rights reserved:Hongqi group electric power fittings co.,ltd???? Record number:
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